Financial Baby
Prep Program
Reduce financial stress for employees growing their families with Crayon’s proven program.
Growing a family adds financial pressure on parents - and employers
71% of expecting parents feel financially stressed
Source: AMP
26 days
Lost productivity of 26 work days per year because employees are dealing with financial issues
Source: GFLEC
Financially stressed employees are twice as likely to look for a new job
Source: Salary Finance
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Crayon's Financial Baby Prep Program actively supports your people when they need it most and positions your organisation as an employer of choice.
6-week live, 1-on-1 program at a time that’s convenient for your employee
Pre-read videos and articles, purpose-built tools, and worksheets to help make key decisions
Post-program follow-ups for 6 months to support parents as they embed changes
Complimentary all-areas access for your employee and their partner/support person
The program is suitable for employees who are planning to grow their family in the next 1-3 years.
What expecting parents say
"The closer we got to ‘due day’, the more the anxiety crept in. Crayon has been a game-changer for us. Aside from getting answers to our questions, we got incredible tools to help ensure we stay on track for the future."
"From navigating your parental leave entitlements to understanding the costs of the first year, and investing for your child - the team had thoughtfully prepared content and really helpful tools that we used to guide us through quite an overwhelming period of change in our lives! "
Vanessa and Jono
"I found this course invaluable when preparing financially for the arrival of our baby. It helped me understand my and my husband’s attitudes towards, and we now have much more specific and measurable financial goals for our family."
“After completing the programme, I noticed that the level of my financial stress reduced significantly and is no longer an issue as we have a plan, tools, skills, and support in place going forward – and a clear common understanding of our values and where we’re heading, though acknowledging it won’t be always easy. ”
Delivering real outcomes
At Crayon, we’re all about equipping expecting parents with the knowledge, systems and habits so they can start their family life on good financial footing.
Here are just a few of the results previous participants have realised:
Optimised KIT hours to improve the transition back to work and realise an additional $2,200 in income.
Made wiser baby-related spending decisions, saving over $1,000.
Reviewed the impact of parental leave on KiwiSaver, leading to a decision to increase contributions by $200 per month upon their return to work. Over 30 years in a balanced fund, this could amount to $127,000¹.
Maximised government incentives for KiwiSaver, resulting in an additional $521 of ‘free’ money into their KiwiSaver account.
¹ Assuming a rate of return of 3.5% after tax and fees, as prescribed by the FMA for KiwiSaver projections.
Meet your instructor
Stephanie Pow
“Am I going to be okay?” This is the most common question expecting parents ask when they review their finances.
But no traditional finance textbook prepares you for life with a kid. I found this out the hard way when I welcomed my first child. Despite finishing at the top of my finance degree and carving a successful career in the industry, I felt blindsided by the range of unique financial challenges new parents face.
This is the program I wish I had access to when planning for parenthood.
Our proven program makes the financial decisions that come with parenthood simpler and more intuitive so that every expecting parent can focus on the important things at home and work.