State of Parental Leave in New Zealand 2023
Explore our detailed analysis of The New Zealand Parental Leave Register, the most comprehensive parental leave policy information ever recorded in New Zealand. Includes:
a snapshot of the New Zealand Parental Leave Register
the support provided by employers on the Register in the leadup to parental leave
what parental leave benefits employers on the Register are offering their people during parental leave
how employers on the Register navigate the return to work transition
and much more!
Do parental leave better
Parental Leave Toolkit
Plug-and-play templates, checklists and guides to help you roll out a parental leave policy with ease.
Employer stories
Learn how employers of different shapes and sizes are transforming parental leave support.
Financial Baby Prep Program
Deliver meaningful financial wellbeing support for your people at a moment that matters.
More insights from NZ’s #1 parental leave expert
State of Parental Leave in New Zealand 2024
One year on from our first State of Parental Leave report, we take a look at what moves employers have made in the parental leave space.
Find out how parental leave policies have evolved in the current economic climate, get actionable insights to enhance your own parental leave policy and discover the innovative approaches employers are taking to improve their parental leave offerings.
Parental Leave: A Kiwi Perspective
Insights from 369 parents distilled into a collection of high impact actions. Learn about the top challenges facing parents during parental leave, the most impactful actions employers can take to improve the experience of parental leave and the top ways employers can improve the return to work experience.
This is a must-read for any HR professional who cares deeply about its people and wants to hear about the parental leave experience from the mouths of parents themselves.